Ottawa Area Food Pantry
Our congregation joins with the congregations of five other area churches to provide distributions twice a month to eligible families.  This pantry serves Ottawa and many communities along US 224 in Putnam County.  
The five other congregations include New Creation Lutheran Church (Ottawa), St. John Catholic Church (Glandorf), St. Michael Catholic Church (Kalida), Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church (Ottawa) in addition to our own congregation.  Ottawa’s Trinity United Methodist Church has served as the Food Pantry home for many years.  Trinity is located on Main Street in Ottawa, and the entrance is on Pratt Street.  The address is listed as 137 North Pratt Street in Ottawa.
The Food Pantry is open from 10 am through 1 pm on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.  There may be exceptions to this schedule when holidays are involved, especially in the month of December.
Our congregation staffs the Food Pantry during the months of June and December.