
Online Giving to Ottawa Presbyterian Church
In this digital era, many of us go online to inquire, to order, to communicate….and also to take care of finances. This can also easily extend to your church giving. Use the button below to give safely and securely to Ottawa Presbyterian Church.
You may designate your contribution in a number of ways–pledged offering, food pantry, or memorials. You may also choose one of the Presbyterian denomination’s seasonal offerings: Peacemaking, Christmas Joy, One Great Hour of Sharing, and Pentecost. For the seasonal offerings (including our own per capita offering each year), appropriate links on the donation website (Vanco Payments) will be provided as the seasonal offering is made available.
If you have additional questions about online giving designations, you may email our financial secretary at
Of course, you can always give in person during a worship service or by mailing contributions to Ottawa Presbyterian Church, 150 North Oak Street, Ottawa, OH 45875.
Thank you for your generosity.
My Story of Giving
Comments shared by our congregation during the Stewardship Period
As a young person growing up at OPC, when as a 7th grader, I was allowed to join Youth Fellowship. That first Christmas we visited the shut-ins and sang Christmas carols together.
Two special ladies, at different times, Lily Cornwell and Jan Crawfis by their example, encouraged me to be generous and give God glory. As a Ruling Elder at OPC, ordained by my father Rev. Emil Holzhauser, the basis of my service to this church, Maumee Valley Presbytery, and Synod of the Covenant is how I can contribute my resources, gifts, and talents. This brings me joy.
Gillian H-G
Our parents help us to think about helping our neighbors pick their fruit and do yard work for them. In Sunday School, we pass the offering plate and give money to help other people. We like to put together the Health Care Kits, make special projects to give to others, and help clean up the park. We are old enough now to light the candles in church. We use our hands and time to help.
Ringing the bell at Christmas for the Salvation Army bucket, giving stuff to fill the boxes sent to other children far away, and working at the Food Pantry are fun ways we use our time and energy to share with others. It makes us feel good that we can do these things.
Calvin and Zane B.
I remember singing in our church choir in Ada when I was a high school student. I believe my parents encouraged me, but I never knew how much money they put in the envelope.
I have been mowing the grass here at OPC for a number of years. I feel it is saving the church money and I enjoy keeping the yard looking nice.
When I think of stewardship, it is a way of supporting our mission as a church.
Paul B.
November 18
My first giving was monetary, and then I felt the joy in giving my time by service and volunteering. I was encouraged by the clergy, other church members and most of all by my parents to be generous.
My first mission trip was working at a small church in the early 80’s organized by Rev. Dean McGormley. We cleaned, repaired, and painted on that day which really gave me a sense of giving back to another congregation.
Stewardship for me is being of service to others
Mike K.