Where Can I Serve?
We are a small church with a big record for service. We are involved in Presbyterian programs at the church, Presbytery, and General Assembly level. However, some of the most rewarding acts of service involve helping in the church nursery, working with Sunday School, providing office space for Putnam County Habitat for Humanity, scholarships for church camp, offering our restrooms for community events, or even pulling those stray weeds to better allow the flowers to bloom. No act of service is too large or too small.
Food Pantry
Ottawa Presbyterian Church joins with five other local churches to staff and maintain the Ottawa Food Pantry. The Panty, located in Trinity United Methodist Church on Ottawa’s Main Street, has food distributions on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. (NOTE: Trinity’s entrance is along Pratt Street. The official address if 137 North Pratt Street, Ottawa.)
Participating churches are: Trinity United Methodist Church (Ottawa), New Creation Lutheran Church (Ottawa), Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church (Ottawa), St. John the Baptist Catholic Church (Glandorf), and St. Michael Catholic Church (Kalida). The pantry can serve all Putnam County residents on an emergency basis, but primarily serves the communities found along US 224, while pantries in other communities serve their residents.
For 2023, dates of service are:
- January 10 and January 24
- February 14 and February 28
- March 14 and March 28
- April 11 and April 25
- May 9 and May 23
- June 13 and June 27**
- July 11 and July 25
- August 8 and August 22
- September 12 and September 26
- October 10 and October 24
- November 14 and November 28
- December 5 and December 19**
For 2024, the following dates have been set:
- January 9 and January 23
**We staff the panty in June & December
Volunteers are needed on the Tuesdays in June & December listed above, as well as the Monday’s prior to the distribution to restock shelves and prepare for the clients.
Prayer Circle
Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer moves the hand of God. Our Church is a body of believers dependent upon prayer, and committed to God’s sovereignty. While special prayers are uplifted each Sunday morning during worship, the Prayer Circle maintains active communications 24/7 with prayer needs both within and without the congregation. To either become part of the Prayer Circle or make a prayer need know, just email prayercircle@ottawapresby.org.
Media & Technology
Using media to spread the gospel is a privilege of this church. In an age of widespread technology, we have a stewardship to use these tools as best as possible while respecting confidentiality. All of our weekly sermons are uploaded to our website in video format as well being viewable via Facebook. We also maintain an active Facebook page and group for additional church communication.