Presbies in Action
So, you’ll find us working at Ottawa Food Pantry during the months of June & December, although the first Sunday of each month is designated as Food Pantry Sunday for extra giving. The Food Panty is housed at Trinity United Methodist Church in Ottawa. Six churches from across the county share the work of the Food Pantry.
Offices for Putnam County Habitat for Humanity are housed within our building. The Habitat board of directors meets here on the second Thursday of each month and the building is often used for committee meetings. Many members of our church have served with this Christian ministry.
We often helped out with bell-ringing for Putnam County Salvation Army. Our ringers (ding-a-lings?) saw all kinds of weather–ranging from brilliant sunshine in July to near-blizzard conditions in December.
Many of the women of the church work through OPW (Ottawa Presbyterian Women) to help with various church activities such as meals and fund-raising events. Much of their work goes on behind the scenes. No matter what the activity, having fun is always near the top of the agenda!
As back-to-school sales begin each year we also begin to assemble Christmas Boxes for local senior citizens who may not have much family support or income.
The actual list of activities is always under review. You never know when something new will be added.
Come and share with us in any or all of these activities!