Presby Pix (check Facebook, too!)
Installation – with Pastor Lynn Bova (11/8/15)
These photos were taken on the day of Rev. Patrick Harley’s official installation as our minister at Ottawa Presbyterian Church. This is the last official–and the most fun–step in establishing a relationship between a congregation and its minister. It’s a joyful worship service and a time for celebrating the blessings of this pastoral relationship!
Installation – with Lynne Hirzel (11/8/15)
These photos were taken on the day of Rev. Patrick Harley’s official installation as our minister at Ottawa Presbyterian Church. This is the last official–and the most fun–step in establishing a relationship between a congregation and its minister. It’s a joyful worship service and a time for celebrating the blessings of this pastoral relationship!
Installation – with Rev. David Good (11/8/15)
These photos were taken on the day of Rev. Patrick Harley’s official installation as our minister at Ottawa Presbyterian Church. This is the last official–and the most fun–step in establishing a relationship between a congregation and its minister. It’s a joyful worship service and a time for celebrating the blessings of this pastoral relationship!
Installation-Dr. Dan Donaldson from Rev. Patrick’s home church in Tennessee
These photos were taken on the day of Rev. Patrick Harley’s official installation as our minister at Ottawa Presbyterian Church. This is the last official–and the most fun–step in establishing a relationship between a congregation and its minister. It’s a joyful worship service and a time for celebrating the blessings of this pastoral relationship!
Installation – with Rev. Darcy Metcalfe (11/8/15)
These photos were taken on the day of Rev. Patrick Harley’s official installation as our minister at Ottawa Presbyterian Church. This is the last official–and the most fun–step in establishing a relationship between a congregation and its minister. It’s a joyful worship service and a time for celebrating the blessings of this pastoral relationship!
Rev. Patrick at his installation!
These photos were taken on the day of Rev. Patrick Harley’s official installation as our minister at Ottawa Presbyterian Church. This is the last official–and the most fun–step in establishing a relationship between a congregation and its minister. It’s a joyful worship service and a time for celebrating the blessings of this pastoral relationship!
The choir–what? photos during worship???
These photos were taken on the day of Rev. Patrick Harley’s official installation as our minister at Ottawa Presbyterian Church. This is the last official–and the most fun–step in establishing a relationship between a congregation and its minister. It’s a joyful worship service and a time for celebrating the blessings of this pastoral relationship!
Reception Tables
No joking on this photo–the church looked wonderful for this event thanks to some very dedicated church members.
Shoebox 1 – November 8
During Sunday School on November 8 our children of all ages packed shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.